Urban Pulse


Participation, Memory, Movement, Improvisation

for more just life in the territories

Let´s meet, connect, improvise, co-create

urban PULSE

Who we are

We work at the verge of research and action and cocreation through movement.

We are an urban sociologist and a dancer and creator, seeking to support co-creation processes and environments in multi-cultural places.

We coexist with communities through workshops and improvisation and explore the embodied memory.

We explore the potential of groups as a dynamic and ever-changing structure, that develops through conflicting forces.

uRBAN pulse

Sample Work

of the Members of Urban Pulse Collective, that inform the beautiful common journey that is just beginning

ConstrAct Lab is a Participatory Design project that creates bridges among the new-coming populations and the stable residents in the region of Epirus, Greece. ConstrAct Lab created a multicultural community of more than 400 individuals that produced various material and immaterial solutions to everyday needs.

ConstrAct Lab

Project Management/ Workshop Organization: Danai Toursoglou Papalexandridou

Funding: Terre des Hommes


Creators: Community of Dialogue (collective work)

Coordination of the Community: Danai Toursoglou Papalexandridou

Research Support: Sagrario Ortiz Nuñez, Coppelia Herran Cuartas, Paula Tatiana Mejia Sepulveda, Danai Toursoglou Papalexandridou, Eliana Londoño Gómez, Juan Carlos Ceballos Guerra

The “Map Weave of Weaves” (“Mapa Tejido de Tejidos”) is an exhibition, composed of narratives and a map, created from various hands, memories and visions. It is the result of a collective process of remembering, narrating and depicting the past, present and future history of the territory of Moravia (Medellin, Colombia), as a way to resist relocation and gentrification. It is a collective work of the “Community of Dialogue”, a community involving 90 individuals (residents and academics).


Creators: Community of Dialogue (collective work)

Coordination of the Community: Danai Toursoglou Papalexandridou

Voices: D Will (Musician), Gloria Urrego (Clown Artist), Eliana Londoño (Community Organizer), Paula Tatiana Mejía (Professor UPB), Danai Toursoglou Papalexandridou (Researcher AUTh), Heroína Córdoba (Community Leader), María Lucila Pérez – Mamá chila (Community Leader)

Lyrics: Collective Work “Community of Dialogue”

Beat: IncognitoIsaac

The song “Somos del Barrio” is the second piece created collectively by the “Community of Dialogue” at the neighborhood of Moravia (Medellin, Colombia). It is the result of a narrative and collective writing process. The song builds an image of the plural territory, inhabited by residents, community leaders, professors and students participating in the process.

song “Somos del Barrio”

“Still Love” trailer

Still Love is a duet about relationships. Our individual stories come into dialogue through physical interaction in a playground-like environment. We play games to relearn and to reinvent our love.


Concept&Choreography: Efthymia (Fenia) Chatzakou, Csenger Szabó Music composition: Clelia Patrono Dramaturgical Advice: Rodia Vomvolou Theatrical Guidance: Norbert Varga

Von Anfang an der Dreiklangfang

Choreography: Marion Sparber in collaboration with the dancers

Dancers: Efthymia (Fenia) Chatzakou, Alan Fuentes-Guerra and Marion Sparber

Music: Stefano Ciardi

Production: IDEA - Tanz Theater Performance /Doris Plankl

With the kind support of: Amt für deutsche Kultur der autonomen Provinz Südtirol, Region Trentino-Südtirol, Stiftung Südtiroler Sparkasse and Stadt Bozen

“Von Anfang an der Dreiklangfang” movement solo

This is a study of the uneven number three, with its potential for dialectic and exchange and the positive energy and emotions that triadic form can unleash.

Privilegion_a dance piece about f*cked up beliefs

Five young dancers from different countries – more or less privileged – come together. Between arrogance and powerlessness, they dance, celebrate and fight for supposed property, for rights and truths.

Konzept & Künstlerische Leitung: Karolin Stächele/ @dagadadance

Choreografie: Karolin Stächele in Zusammenarbeit mit den Tänzer:innen

Assistant choreographer: Marcella Centenero

Konzept, Tanz- & Textdramaturgie: Sabine Noll

Tanz: Bryan Doisy, Charles Antoni, Efthymia Chatzakou, Olivia Grassot, Paco Ladrón de Guevara

Musik & Grafik: Paul Tinsley

Lichtdesign: Steffen Melch

Kostüme & Bühne: DAGADA dance

Produktionsleitung: Veronika Schell

Künstlerische Hospitanz: Marcella Centenero


the beings behind

Danai holds a PhD in Social Sciences and a MSc in Architecture from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece). Her academic interests lie in urban sociology, research-action methodologies and social movements. She has formed part and supported various community processes in Greece, Colombia and the US as part of a research and action process. She has been involved in transdisciplinary research and teaching in Greece, USA and Colombia. The “Community of Dialogue” that she established and supported has been internationally awarded with the “Research with Social Impact” award for a research-action praxis with the community of Moravia (Medellin, Colombia) as well as she has won the 1st prize in the competition “Unbuilt Visions 2016” in New York for her work “Assembling Narratives”. She has been the project manager and community organizer of “ConstrAct Lab”, a social innovation project in the borders of Greece towards participatory processes among new coming refugees and migrants and local population, certified as proof of concept and replicated globally.


The Researcher | Community Organizer


The Dance Maker | Dancer

Efthymia Chatzakou (1991, Greece) holds a BA (Hons) in Dance Education (University of Bath) and a BA in Pedagogical Studies (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki). Fenia started her training with rhythmic gymnastics before transferring to dance under the instructions of Nadia Koutziampasi and Ioannis Margaronis (Diagonal Dance School, Thessaloniki). In 2018-2019, she was part of the Bodhi Project Company collaborating with choreographers Guy Nader/Maria Campos, Francesco Scavetta, Jose Agudo and Lisi Estaras. As a freelance dancer, she worked with Georgia Tegou and Michalis Theofanous, (7th New Choreographers Festival, Onassis Cultural Centre/ Athens, Helllenic Centre/London). From August 2020, Fenia was part of Braunschweig Staatstheater company, co-creating pieces with guests choreographers such as Ryan Mason, Annamari Keskinen, Henrieta Horn, Rainer Behr, Danae Dimitriadi and Dionysis Alamanos, Stijn Cellis, Guy Nader & Maria Campos. During the 2021-2022 season, Fenia was awarded as the ‘Young Artist of the year’ by the Staatstheatre Braunschweig. Currently she is a freelancer dancer based in Bremen in Germany, undertaking projects in Germany and the rest of Europe. She has an ongoing collaboration with Csenger K.Szabo, with whom they co-created the duet "Still Love” and have been sharing their workshop material ‘Physical Alertness’ in various venues and educational contexts.

we want to hear from you. connect, discuss, work together.

let’s embark together in the journey of co-creation. let’s explore, understand and create our territories.

Open for global adventures!

get in touch!


